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WIN Global LEADership journey

Something happens when one decides to become a part of a community - the commitment changes and the resolve is different.


Join to be part of a community of brilliant and conscious women and men making a difference in the world through who we are and what we do. We work with purpose, passion and compassion to create a world that works for all. Every year we expand our contributions, continuously learning, growing and creating individually and collectively as the new Renaissance Leaders. Together, dreams come true and magic takes place.

This programme is organized around the Leadership Journey seminar series, assuring you go deeper into the framework of change, a path to a thriving future for all. Although each WIN leadership journey workshop can be attended individually, joining as a member gives you access to all the modules and signals your commitment to a more feminine and balanced future. It is fully complimentary to other membership commitments you may have to women's networks or diversity associations. WIN is working in collaboration with hundreds of women's networks and associations and we promote their meetings.

Our special 2024-25 Membership options and pricing are guaranteed up until end of May.

  • Joyful WINner

    Cada año
    WIN spreading the joy
    • Leadership Journey Seminar Series
    • Networking with purpose and joy book
    • Various discounts to other meetings
  • WIN Fan & Corporate Leader

    Cada año
    WIN fan and enthusiast
    • Corporate Learning Meetings
    • Leadership Journey Seminar Series
    • Networking with purpose & joy book
    • Various discounts to other meetings
    • Invitation to Special Event at the UN
    • €100 Discount to Global WINConference & VIP Cocktail
  • Sustaining WIN Ambassador Leader

    Cada año
    A WIN community ambassador sustaining WIN's values, vision, way and work in the world
    • Special Contribution to WIN's work in the world
    • Corporate Learning Meetings
    • Leadership Journey Seminar Series
    • Networking with purpose and joy book
    • Various discounts to other meetings
    • Choice to become an Ambassador
    • Invitation to Special Event at the UN
    • €100 Discount to Global WINConference & VIP Cocktail
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