In our spirit of supporting each other, we go beyond the conference itself. Understanding that a high level meeting costs money and knowing that we are stronger when we join together. WIN optimizes time and resources the best it can and it needs you support to survive and expand its mission. It is therefore grateful for all the support it receives in bringing women together. WIN in turn donates 3-5% of the income it receives to its own women's causes and programmes to various other women's causes or to help women who could not otherwise afford to attend the conference.
Donations are made through the WIN Fund Initiative, which also receives contributions from individuals and companies. We invite you to make a difference by contributing so that together we can achieve so much more.
special projects
WIN provides support to special projects targeting issues faced by women and girls around the world. Some of these projects have been initiated by past scholarship winners who gain inspiration and tools to accelerate their work at WIN. If you have a project you think WIN should support, please write to info@winconference.net.
Current projects
Women foundation nepal
Daughters of Kenya
Founded by Bandita Thapa, Women Foundation Nepal focuses on first empowering and finally improving the existing support system of deprived and marginalized communities through education, empowerment as well as ensuring entrepreneurship opportunity in Nepal.
Daughters of Kenya is a non-profit organization working towards improving the lives of vulnerable girls and young mothers in Kenya. They work to ensure that every orphaned and vulnerable girl is able to experience the love and security that only a family can provide. Their mission focuses on education, ending violence against children and economic sustainability.
pasT projects
Global Foundation for Women & Development
The WIN Scholarship programme of the WIN Fund offers free or subsidized conference participation as well as solidarity tickets, to women who exemplify the potential to become leaders of tomorrow and to proven leaders operating in difficult economic environments. Despite our small size we have awarded more than 1,000 scholarships and supported numerous initiatives.
Sharing and caring brings joy and evolution. It is part of the new way of being that WIN is exemplifying, role modelling and pioneering. Kristin Engvig
We look for women with the potential to lead.
We look to bring different nationalities to WIN to reinforce the global vision.
We look to support and inspire women in challenging economic circumstances.
We look to exchange knowledge and experiences.
We look for women who want to be active participants in WIN programmes.
We look for women who bring new ideas, opinions and experiences.
To request a sisterhood or host ticket, please follow the instructions below:
a) To apply for a Sisterhood or Host ticket, please send an email to participant@winconference.net.
b) For Host tickets, please provide an image or copy of your ID to verify your residence in the host country of the conference.
c) For Sisterhood tickets, please include your full name, date of birth, and a justification for your request.
The number of tickets available will depend on the number of institutional and corporate partners and funders that the WIN organisation is able to attract. We share our resources and demonstrate our commitment to the cause.​
a) Full subsidized ticket CHF 995: access to all learning material, plenaries, workshops, forums, coaching sessions, award dinner and cocktail – includes everything – application needed.
b) Limited Entry tickets for individuals CHF 695: access to all plenaries, workshops and opening dinner. The Gala dinner, forums or coaching sessions are not included. ​
Applicants to this highly competitive scholarship program are selected based on their economic need and their potential to effect change and inspire others in their home countries.
Scholarships cover the conference fee, which includes all sessions, lunches, coffee breaks, networking and social events. Scholarships do not include flights or accommodation.
To apply, please send an email to participant@winconference.net with the following:
Your motivation on why you want to join our event.
How you believe you can contribute to the WINConference
How you foresee the WINConference experience helping you, your organization or community.
A brief explanation of why you are in need of financial support to attend the conference.
Curriculum Vitae or short bio.
Applications for scholarships and solidarity tickets for the Global WINConference will open on 6 june and will close on 18 September, 2024.
Thank you to the following individuals and organizations for their contributions to the WIN Fund.
The de Groot Foundation
Sandra Häfliger
Silke Schäfer
Sile O'Broin
Gabrielle Kluck
Eve Konstantine
Steliana Van de Rijt-Economu
Ramune Lekamviciute
Margrit Mau
Olga Schejerbeck
Simone Poletto