the win way
WIN inspires conscious women to step into decision making roles, progress their careers, and excel in politics and business while encouraging artists and activists as well as those at new frontiers.
WIN is a leadership journey: a path for doing business the authentic way.
We work to develop ourselves on the inside, contributing with our authenticity, our hearts and integrating feminine values, supporting each other in making dreams come true.

A Leadership Journey

Journey for everyone
We also know it is not only about women. We work globally, with men and across generations to create worlds, work and lives that benefit all. We go on inner journey, on outer journey, alone and together.r information that you want to share with your visitors.
The WIN Experience
Evolving, learning & Discovering
WIN provides pioneering thought leadership and is the reference for numerous individuals and organizations worldwide. It opens new paths, inspiring leadership with exceptional leaders, managers, entrepreneurs and talents through its innovative and collaborative framework of change.
Participating in a WIN global leadership conference is an experience. You receive pre-learning material; the learning book and you are encouraged to be open and see yourself as a renaissance woman or man. The WIN experience brings together leaders from a variety of background, industries, age groups, nationalities in a stimulating and inclusive environment. We bring music, dance, wellness sessions, thought leadership and a revolutionary new way to look at business, work, careers and life – a way where we view the world, work and lives through a feminine lens and whole perspective.

We consider you to be an agent of possibility, someone who creates new spaces and opportunities for others and self.
Nobody operates in isolation, just like a constellation of interconnected stars. How we relate and connect with each other is paramount. In fact, how you do anything you do matters to the whole.
Hence, a key element of WIN is how we connect with each other and how we create an environment in which we all flourish.
FRamework for Change
You & US
agents of possibility
knowledge & Skills
network of support
awareness & Attitude
networking with purpose & Joy
A network is a nurturing environment in which everyone flourishes, a garden. Networking is about creating purposeful and pleasurable relationships for mutual benefit. It involves the heart, stomach and intellect and makes you feel that everything is possible.
Our approach to connecting comes from our vision to inspire a more authentic, global and feminine way forward. We look for a common purpose and what lights each other up. When we pay attention to how we interact and the quality of our relationships, possibilities come our way.
Individual connections lead to a collective network. Together, we inspire each other to become all that we can be as individuals, celebrate our uniqueness and offer our unique contributions to make an impact at a larger scale. In the WIN network, we become so much more than we could have ever imagined alone.
Taking a mindful approach approach to networking creates a context for you to grow. Make space and listen for new possibilities, mobilize the resources in a group, express your dreams, needs and desires, share knowledge and simply, become still, give and receive help, make an extra effort. Ask yourself who you know who can help, what you yearn to express.
Connecting to flourish

We give attention to how you do what you do and the quality of the relationships we create.
We encourage natural expression and authentic contribution from all.
We foster international exchange and create communities of belonging.
We look at both how to 'be' and how to consciously make things happen, moving ideas into form.
We look at how to create and encounter the future with ideas and innovations that work for everyone.
We have a systemic approach, acknowledging our global responsibility and how every contribution matters.
Focus on Possibilities
We go where there are openings as we allow ourselves to find and receive opportunities.
Renaissance leaders
WIN was born in Italy, in Milan. We were inspired by Leonardo da Vinci, creativity and how to inspire the future into existence. It was also triggered by the frustration of too much focus and specialization in the workplace, of tunnel vision, separation and competition. Real geniuses are more than a marketing manager or a banker we thought, the future needs people who are whole, who both sense, feel and think. Who have passion and intuition? Who are bankers with a heart and marketing managers with conscience. You might be a daughters, a managers, a singer or a dancer, a lover and a cook and so much more than just a singular one thing. Most probably you are a modern Renaissance woman or man and certainly you are here for a reason, embarked on inner and outer journeys of discoveries.
The renaissance woman
The authentic feminine leader comes to life when she follows her intuition. As she connects with others, she discovers her inner power and what is beyond. When she continuously accepts all parts of herself, and takes up her natural space, she grows. She is a pioneer of her own life and nobody can walk this journey but her. There may be obstacles as she embraces her own story, overcomes her doubts and pursues her journey forward. She balances responding to what is calling her outside with listening to her intuition and to her body. She knows she is more than her mind.
An authentic life is one that is creative and involves both the discovery of life and of ourselves. Without a mask she may feel vulnerable, before the thrill of freedom makes her open and receptive to create and co-create. Her knowledge, experience and skills become her means as she puts her wisdom into action and inspires the world. She cares deeply and is resilient and dedicated to take a stand for what she holds dear. It is never only about her; she is part of something bigger. She contributes with her gifts as a voice among many in a choir. And remember, once in a while, she forgets, and she feels small. Then you pick her up and you say, “you can shine brighter.” We empower each other, and, in the midst of the sessions and workshops, we support each other in a way that allows us all to shine.
"This journey with WIN is a part of my life - a journey that transformed me and always keeps me strong, inspired, connected and empowered, and it helps me to empower others. I still experience magic there and each year is special."
- Anne Pelagie Yotchou
All of WIN’s programmes are sourced in the WIN way. The WIN way and its framework and tools, are developed by Kristin Engvig for WIN ™ and all rights are reserved since 1998.
To learn more and for legal use of the framework of change, the 7 pillars for the future, and the 7 ways of connecting, agent of possibility concept, please contact us on