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Around the world

Regional WINConferences

Conferences, meetings and congresses around the world allow more women and men be a part of accelerating the new integrated way of doing business and life. 


Held in Tokyo (or online) each Spring, the conference features world-class plenaries, workshops, and networking – where beauty, collaboration, creativity, and quality shine through with the unique WIN touch. 

Visionary business leaders, NGOs, activists, and politicians meet in a colorful context, integrating the divine feminine with modern business practices. We inspire and accelerate the empowerment of women.


Visionary business leaders, entrepreneurs and others meet to build strength, learn and find possibilities in the WIN way with a distinctive Manchester flair. We integrate the feminine way for new paradigm business practices.

Visionary business leaders, NGOs, activists and politicians integrate the feminine way for new paradigm business practices, unleashing the power, potential & positivity of the women!


Inspired women entrepreneurs, senior and middle management, consultants, NGO leaders, politicians, artists, all longing for a positive change in their world, work and life…. Including some students and YOU! Understand HOW the companies leading the way embrace women in business and create diverse and inclusive environments.

WIN ARound the world

Ghana and kenya on map.jpg

In addition to regional WINConferences, there is a quorum of members who hold congresses around the world, being the most important ones: Italy, Manchester, Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria and Japan.

WIN has held meetings and run programmes in Singapore, Moscow, Dubai, Rome, and around Europe. 

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